
GeoAgro was born in 2003 to add fruit production to the GeoService Processing and Packaging chain and shipment and sales to the world of Geofrut.

We wanted a solid base that would allow us to respond to the growing demands for Quality, Safety and Security of supply of the different markets in the world.

Los Campos has given us the opportunity to integrate more people every year and have kept us connected with the communities, developing each project in harmony with the environment.

At the beginning there were only two fields that kept in production just a bit over 250 Ha of Table Grapes, Peaches, Nectarines and Plums. Today GeoAgro already has 14 fields, totaling more than 1,300 hectares planted in addition to packaging facilities and refrigerators.

Although we have wine grape plantations and some nuts, our focus continues to be fresh fruit, and we are at the forefront of planting new varieties of Grapes, Cherries and Carozo Fruits, which provide consumers with ever better consumer experiences.

We also try to be very up-to-date in production technologies to reduce our carbon footprint with the rational use of machinery and supplies and the installation of photovoltaic plants. We also invest in innovative irrigation technologies with satellite monitoring to ensure efficient use of water.

Even though our Fields maintain all the certifications regarding Safety, sustainability and Ethical-Social aspects in force, we are constantly reviewing processes and also use an integrated management that reduces the use of agrochemicals.

We are sure that the passion and affection that each member of the GeoAgro team dedicates to their work is reflected in the fruit we produce for the world.


26,6 hectares

El Oliveto



Camino El Oliveto 4193, Talagante
Metropolitan Region


Contact info

Geofrut Rancagua Offices
Longitudinal Sur km 78 Rancagua
+56-72 - 2977640  

Santiago Centeral Office
Av Santa Clara 301, Oficina 4804-4805, Ciudad Empresarial Huechuraba
+562 - 29297510

Questions? Contact us

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